+-------------------------------------+ | ERC32 Products Evaluation Programme | +-------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTIONNAIRE TO PROSPECTIVE EVALUATORS return to: tullio@wd.estec.esa.nl (or fax: +31 71 565 4295 attn: Tullio Vardanega, ESTEC/WSD) by no later than December 13, 1996 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- CONFIRMATION OF INTEREST: [Y/N] ------------------------- * I confirm that my organisation wish to take part in the [ ] ERC32 Products Evaluation Programme under the conditions laid down in the "Information Note to Prospective Evaluators" * Contact Information: Name: ..................................................... Company: .................................................. Branch Specialisation (DHC, AOC, Experiment, other): ...... Fax: ...................................................... Voice: .................................................... E-mail: ................................................... ----------------------- REQUIRED PRODUCT ITEMS: ----------------------- * ERC32 Chipset Units (supplied on loan by ESTEC/WS) [ ] * DEM32 Board (supplied on loan by ESTEC/WS) [ ] * ERC32 Ada Compilation System (supplied by TSP/Alsys under a three-month free evaluation licence) - with Worst-Case Execution Time Estimator prototype [ ] - without Worst-Case Execution Time Estimator prototype [ ] - with Microtec Package (Linker and ERC32 C compiler) [ ] - without Microtec Package [ ] * ERC32 Target Simulator (supplied by Spacebel Informatique [ ] under a time-limited free evaluation licence) * ERC32 Scheduling Analysis Tools (supplied by Spacebel [ ] Informatique under a time-limited free evaluation licence) * Other (GNU-based public-domain ERC32 software tools - [...] see http://www.estec.esa.nl/wsmwww/erc32/freesoft.html on the ERC32 Home Page) - specify: ........................ --------------------------- PROPOSED EVALUATION OUTLINE (max 5 lines): --------------------------- ................................................................... ................................................................... ................................................................... ................................................................... ................................................................... ----------------------------- PROPOSED EVALUATION SCHEDULE: [nnn] ----------------------------- On the understanding that: +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | The "window of opportunity" provided for by ERC32 Products | | Evaluation Programme opens in January 1997 and closes by | | December 1997. | | Within that time frame, individual evaluation proposals shall | | have a duration not exceeding 4 (four) elapsed months. | | Preference is in principle given to those evaluations which | | can be scheduled within Q1-2 1997. | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ my organisation wish to propose an evaluation exercise with the following schedule: * proposed duration (elapsed months): [...] * earliest start date [...] * latest start date: [...] ---------------------- TRAINING REQUIREMENTS: [Y/N] ---------------------- * I would be interested in an "express training to the [ ] ERC32 software products" session to be held at ESTEC BEFORE the start of the Evaluation Programme. -----------------------------------------------------------------------