entity ch_07_06 is end entity ch_07_06; ---------------------------------------------------------------- library bv_utilities; use bv_utilities.bv_arithmetic; architecture test of ch_07_06 is begin process_07_5_b : process is -- code from book: function "+" ( left, right : in bit_vector ) return bit_vector is begin -- . . . -- not in book return bv_arithmetic."+"(left, right); -- end not in book end function "+"; variable addr_reg : bit_vector(31 downto 0); -- . . . -- end of code from book -- code from book: function "abs" ( right : in bit_vector ) return bit_vector is begin -- . . . -- not in book if right(right'left) = '0' then return right; else return bv_arithmetic."-"(right); end if; -- end not in book end function "abs"; variable accumulator : bit_vector(31 downto 0); -- . . . -- end of code from book begin -- code from book: addr_reg := addr_reg + X"0000_0004"; -- end of code from book accumulator := X"000000FF"; -- code from book: accumulator := abs accumulator; -- end of code from book accumulator := X"FFFFFFFE"; accumulator := abs accumulator; wait; end process process_07_5_b; end architecture test;