entity fg_07_18 is end entity fg_07_18; architecture test of fg_07_18 is constant target_host_id : natural := 10; constant my_host_id : natural := 5; type pkt_types is (control_pkt, other_pkt); type pkt_header is record dest, src : natural; pkt_type : pkt_types; seq : natural; end record; begin -- code from book network_driver : process is constant seq_modulo : natural := 2**5; subtype seq_number is natural range 0 to seq_modulo-1; variable next_seq_number : seq_number := 0; -- . . . -- not in book variable new_header : pkt_header; -- end not in book impure function generate_seq_number return seq_number is variable number : seq_number; begin number := next_seq_number; next_seq_number := (next_seq_number + 1) mod seq_modulo; return number; end function generate_seq_number; begin -- network_driver -- not in book wait for 10 ns; -- end not in book -- . . . new_header := pkt_header'( dest => target_host_id, src => my_host_id, pkt_type => control_pkt, seq => generate_seq_number ); -- . . . end process network_driver; -- end code from book end architecture test;