minipcia simple CPLD-powered PCI card

Implementation Reports

Xilinx generates many pretty text files, among the most useful are the fitter (which shows you the utilization) and the timing reports.


Here's what the fitter says, with a few extra features to support reading/writing a 4 bit LED register and driving them on the board. The design is optimized for speed, which means it has flattened out some logic to get faster pin-to-pin delays at the expense of space. It's not clear that that's buying anything, since it can't flatten everything and the design is only as fast as the slowest signals. At one point I had a 17 bit performance counter (accessible via the memory window) and it still fit (after the exhaustive fitting option backed down on the pterm limit a few times).

cpldfit:  version G.31a                             Xilinx Inc.
                                  Fitter Report
Design Name: pci                                 Date:  9-22-2004,  1:05AM
Device Used: XC95108-7-PC84
Fitting Status: Successful

****************************  Resource Summary  ****************************

Macrocells     Product Terms    Registers      Pins           Function Block 
Used           Used             Used           Used           Inputs Used    
72 /108 ( 67%) 372 /540  ( 69%) 53 /108 ( 49%) 50 /69  ( 72%) 193/216 ( 89%)


Signal Type    Required     Mapped  |  Pin Type            Used   Remaining 
Input         :    8           8    |  I/O              :    44       19
Output        :   11          11    |  GCK/IO           :     3        0
Bidirectional :   30          30    |  GTS/IO           :     2        0
GCK           :    1           1    |  GSR/IO           :     1        0
GTS           :    0           0    |
GSR           :    0           0    |
                 ----        ----
        Total     50          50


I decided to leave out the XC95108 timing report since it's a pack of lies anyway. I told the WebPACK that I had a -7 speed grade part, which produces numbers that don't look so scary, even though in that best case they violate the PCI spec by a fair margin. Luckily there is a lot of slack in the PCI spec if you put your device very close to the master and it isn't a stickler for the setup times defined by the spec. Also, my -20 speed grade part was probably binned down for marketing reasons.

Here's what it says for a XC95144XL-7, which is what I'd use if I were making another board. It actually squeaks the clk-to-pad delays out at under 13ns (that's 10ns for propagation delay and 7ns for setup time, according to the PCI spec).

                           Performance Summary Report

Design:     pci
Device:     XC95144XL-7-TQ100
Speed File: Version 3.0
Program:    Timing Report Generator:  version G.31a
Date:       Thu Sep 23 00:20:41 2004

Timing Constraint Summary:

TS_clk=PERIOD:clk:30.000nS:HIGH:50.000000%                                   Met
TS_P2P=FROM:PADS:TO:PADS:23.000nS                                            Met
AUTO_TS_2001=OFFSET OUT:23.000nS:AFTER:clk                                   Met

Performance Summary:

Clock net 'clk' path delays:

Clock Pad to Output Pad (tCO)             :         12.7ns (2 macrocell levels)
Clock Pad 'clk' to Output Pad 'ad<29>'                                    (GCK)

Clock to Setup (tCYC)                     :         15.8ns (2 macrocell levels)
Clock to Q, net 'baseaddr<0>.Q' to TFF Setup(D) at 'state<0>.D'           (GCK)
Target FF drives output net 'state<0>'

Setup to Clock at the Pad (tSU)           :         12.6ns (1 macrocell levels)
Data signal 'cbe<3>' to TFF D input Pin at 'state<0>.D'
Clock pad 'clk'                                                           (GCK)

                          Minimum Clock Period: 15.8ns
                     Maximum Internal Clock Speed: 63.2Mhz
                            (Limited by Cycle Time)


For best results let the fitter run without pin constraints on a few design variations to see how it likes to divide up the work. Then mimick that to the extent you can when laying out the board and assigning pins manually. I gave top priority to easy board routing (except for GSR and GCK obviously) and I think that put unnecessary strain on the fitter to keep the outputs where I constrained them. My usage isn't well balanced.

Future Board Ideas

project topBen Jackson