/general... A complete user's guide for how to use the VHDL repositoty and the VHDL-SW mailing list. /models... a tar file which contains a lib for VHDL models. /tools... Some tools used in VHDL environment. ./vhdlgrammar... A 1076 VHDL grammar compiled by the Air Force Institute of Technology and updated by the Univ. of Cincinnati. ./anavhdl... A mix-mode simulation package with capability of using SPICE and VHDL developed in Univ. of Cincinnati. ./translate- 72-to-1076.el... This file consists of GNU-emacs editor keyboard macros to use in translating from 7.2 VHDL to version 1076-1987 IEEE Std VHD language. ./vhdl-model.el... This file consists of GNU-emacs emacs-lisp commands which provides a 1076-1987 VHDL editing mode for that editor. ./vsplit... A tool to split the VHDL source files so that there is only one design unit per file. ./vmkr... A tool to create a makefile for VHDL source files. /validation...A test suite for 1076-1987 IEEE std VHDL language.