Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Tel: +98-21-800-8485; Fax: +98-21-688690
Massoud Shadfar, Armita Paymandoust, and Zainalabedin Navabi
Faculty of Engineering, Campus No. 2
University of Tehran
14399, Tehran IRAN
Email: navabi_z@irearn.bitnet
TYPE fsim IS RECORD logic : imp; path_info : bkt; END RECORD; |
............ WAIT UNTIL i1.logic /= 'U' AND i2.logic /= 'U'; in1 := i1.logic; in2 := i2.logic; out1 := in1 NAND in2; o.logic <= out1; .............. |
............ --- initialization i1 <= none_U; i2 <= none_U; o <= none_U; --- wait until all lines in circuit initialized. WAIT FOR 10 PS; tn := tn + 1; ........ |
......... ELSIF temp_o(1,1) > -1 THEN IF in1 = '0' AND in2 = '1' THEN temp_i1 := added_node(temp_o,id); temp_i2 := increment_depth(temp_o,id); ELSIF in1 = '1' AND in2 = '0' THEN temp_i1 := increment_depth(temp_o,id); temp_i2 := added_node(temp_o,id); ELSIF in1 = '0' AND in2 = '0' THEN temp_i1 := increment_depth(temp_o,id); temp_i2 := temp_i1; ELSE .......... |
IF temp_o(1,1) = -1 THEN IF in1 = '1' AND in2 = '0' THEN temp_i1 := uncp; temp_i2 := temp_o; ELSIF in1 = '0' AND in2 = '1' THEN temp_i1 := temp_o; temp_i2 := uncp; ELSIF in1 = '0' AND in2 = '0' THEN temp_i1 := uncp; temp_i2 := uncp; ELSE temp_i1 := temp_o; temp_i2 := temp_o; END IF; |
s. This happens because value of '01' on inputs of an AND gate makes the '0' input critical.
The lower input of gate 2 is being blocked by the upper input. Therefore, the path information on this gate includes the critical path of its output plus an indication that this path is being blocked once at gate 2. Since the lower input of gate 6 is on a critical path with respect to its own output, therefore, the path_info on this input consists of the path information on the output with gate 6 id appended to its first row. On the other hand, since the lower input of gate 7 is being blocked, blockage level is increased by 1 (changing BP1 to BP2) and the blockage information on the output of this gate is copied to the second row of the input path information.
FUNCTION backtracing (paths : int_4by20_vector) RETURN int_4by20 IS VARIABLE temp1, temp2 : int_4by20_vector(paths'RANGE); VARIABLE depth, util1 : INTEGER := 0; VARIABLE util2, connection : BOOLEAN := false; VARIABLE num : INTEGER := INTEGER'HIGH; VARIABLE rejector : int_4by20 := rjct; VARIABLE constructed, agent : int_4by20 := none; VARIABLE select1, select2 : INTEGER := -1; |
FOR i IN paths'RANGE LOOP -------- deepest path will be found. IF depth < temp1(i)(1,1) THEN depth := temp1(i)(1,1); END IF; END LOOP; |
...................... IF depth > 0 THEN ------------- construct and reject FOR i IN depth DOWNTO 1 LOOP -- path with i depth will be constructed. FOR j IN paths'RANGE LOOP IF temp1(j)(1,1) = i THEN FOR l IN j + 1 TO (paths'LENGTH - 1) LOOP IF temp1(l)(1,1) = i THEN replace_check ( temp1(j), temp1(l), constructed, connection); IF connection THEN temp1(j) := constructed; temp1(l) := none; END IF; END IF; END LOOP; END IF; END LOOP; FOR j IN paths'RANGE LOOP ---- path with i-1 depth is rejected IF temp1(j)(1,1) = i THEN -- by path with i depth. FOR l IN paths'RANGE LOOP IF temp1(l)(1,1) = (i - 1) THEN remove_check ( temp1(j), temp1(l), constructed, connection); IF connection THEN temp1(l) := constructed; END IF; END IF; END LOOP; END IF; END LOOP; END LOOP; END IF; ........ |
...... PI3 : pi GENERIC MAP(3) PORT MAP(S(3)); PI4 : pi GENERIC MAP(4) PORT MAP(S(4)); G8 : or2 GENERIC MAP(9) PORT MAP(S(6),S(4),S(7)); G9 : or2 GENERIC MAP(10) PORT MAP(S(9),S(8),S(10)); G10 : not1 GENERIC MAP(11) PORT MAP(S(10),S(11)); ...... |
TEST:GATE(ID) *****DETECTED SSF***** ] ...... .............................. 1:OR2 ( 9) [I1:sa_0; I2:none; O1:sa_0 ] 1:OR2 (10) [I1:none; I2:none; O1:sa_0 ] 1:NOT (11) [I :sa_0; O :sa_1 ] 1: PO (12) [PO:sa_1; ] 2: PI ( 1) [PI:sa_1; ] 2: PI ( 4) [PI:sa_1; ] ........................................ |