Computer Aids for VLSI Design
Steven M. Rubin
Copyright © 1994
Chapter 4: Synthesis Tools
4.7 Summary
This chapter has illustrated a number of techniques for automatic
synthesis of VLSI circuitry.
The list is not complete, since new methods are being proposed continuously.
It is hoped that eventually the synthesis algorithms will be able to do
the entire job of design.
Until such time, however, humans will have to do much of the layout and
will have to guide these synthesis tools carefully.
Because this guidance is subject to errors, there will also have to be
methods of analyzing a circuit for correctness.
These analysis tools are the subject of the next two chapters.
- How do PLAs and gate matrices differ in philosophy from gate-arrays?
- Why do channel and switchbox routers produce better wiring patterns than
do repeated applications of maze routers?
- What is the most difficult aspect of global routing?
- What other considerations should be addressed besides wire lengths when doing
- Why are rule-based systems attractive techniques for synthesis tools?
- Why is there little hope that silicon compilers will ever be able to
generate arbitrary and appropriate architectures?
- In what sense are the results of simulated-annealing compaction incorrect?
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