Index of /vhdl/models/dlx

      Name                   Last modified     Size  Description

[DIR] Parent Directory 23-Feb-99 14:11 - [   ] alu-behaviour.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:45 3k [   ] alu.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:45 1k [   ] alu_types.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:45 1k [   ] bv_arithmetic-body.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:50 32k [   ] bv_arithmetic.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:44 8k [   ] bv_test-bench.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:44 34k [   ] bv_test.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:44 1k [   ] cache-behaviour.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:45 10k [   ] cache.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:45 3k [   ] cache_types.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:45 1k [   ] clock_gen-behaviour.vhd02-Nov-93 23:44 2k [   ] clock_gen.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:44 2k [   ] clock_gen_test-bench...02-Nov-93 23:44 2k [   ] clock_gen_test.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:44 1k [   ] command.log 14-Dec-94 15:47 25k [   ] controller-behaviour...02-Nov-93 23:45 29k [   ] controller.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:45 3k [   ] distribution-manifest 02-Nov-93 23:44 1k [   ] dlx-assembler-to-comp..27-Mar-95 17:12 1k [   ] dlx-behaviour.vhd 14-Dec-94 11:39 23k [   ] dlx-instrumented.vhd 14-Dec-94 11:41 26k [CMP] dlx.tar.gz 25-Nov-93 11:32 36k [   ] dlx.vhd 13-Dec-94 19:24 2k [   ] dlx_bus_monitor-behav..02-Nov-93 23:45 5k [   ] dlx_bus_monitor.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:44 2k [   ] dlx_instr-body.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:44 10k [   ] dlx_instr.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:44 11k [   ] dlx_rtl.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:45 10k [   ] dlx_test-bench.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:45 4k [   ] dlx_test-bench_cache...02-Nov-93 23:45 5k [   ] dlx_test.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:45 1k [   ] dlx_test_behaviour.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:45 2k [   ] dlx_test_cache.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:45 2k [   ] dlx_test_instrumented..02-Nov-93 23:45 2k [   ] dlx_test_rtl.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:45 3k [   ] dlx_types-body.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:44 1k [   ] dlx_types.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:44 2k [   ] images-body.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:44 4k [   ] images.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:44 2k [   ] images_test-bench.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:44 3k [   ] images_test.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:44 1k [   ] ir-behaviour.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:45 3k [   ] ir.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:45 2k [   ] latch-behaviour.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:45 1k [   ] latch.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:45 1k [   ] makefile 14-Dec-94 15:06 2k [   ] 13-Dec-94 19:14 4k [   ] mem_types.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:44 1k [   ] memory-behaviour.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:44 7k [   ] memory.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:44 2k [   ] memory_test-bench.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:44 10k [   ] memory_test.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:44 1k [   ] module-directory 02-Nov-93 23:44 4k [   ] mux2-behaviour.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:45 1k [   ] mux2.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:45 1k [   ] reg_1_out-behaviour.vhd02-Nov-93 23:45 2k [   ] reg_1_out.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:45 1k [   ] reg_2_1_out-behaviour..02-Nov-93 23:45 2k [   ] reg_2_1_out.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:45 2k [   ] reg_2_out-behaviour.vhd02-Nov-93 23:45 2k [   ] reg_2_out.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:45 1k [   ] reg_3_out-behaviour.vhd02-Nov-93 23:45 2k [   ] reg_3_out.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:45 1k [   ] reg_file-behaviour.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:45 2k [   ] reg_file.vhd 02-Nov-93 23:45 2k [   ] simple.out 31-Oct-93 22:03 1k [   ] simple.s 02-Nov-93 23:44 1k [   ] test_loop.out 31-Oct-93 22:04 1k [   ] test_loop.s 02-Nov-93 23:44 1k [   ] view_command.log 14-Dec-94 16:02 6k

This directory contains the source files for the DLX model suite.

The following copyright holds:

--  Copyright (C) 1993, Peter J. Ashenden
--  Mail:	Dept. Computer Science
--		University of Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia
--  e-mail:
--  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
--  the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
--  any later version.
--  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--  GNU General Public License for more details.
--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
--  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

This suite is distributed as is, with no documentation or support.  If
I get time, I may provide documentation at a later date.

Included in the directory is a file called module-directory, that
lists the source files with a brief description of each.  You should
be able to compile them in the order listed.

To run a simulation that includes the memory entity, you will need to
have a file called dlx.out in the current working directory.  This is
the memory image file loaded by the memory entity, containing DLX
instructions and data.  The distribution directory contains two sample
DLX programs, simple.s and test_loop.s, along with assembled versions
in simple.out and test_loop.out.  You can copy one of the .out files
to dlx.out to run the simulation.

I would be pleased to hear comments or bug reports (ie, bugs in the
model, not bugs in your VHDL tools!).  You can mail them to me at the
above e-mail address.

Have fun!

Peter A.

2 November 1993.