BRUSEY20(1) BRUSEY20(1) NAME brusey20 - Convert TROFF PIC state diagrams into behav- ioral VHDL SYNOPSIS brusey20 -h brusey20 [ -dO ... ] [ -sO ... ] [ -ve ] -i=infile -o=outfile DESCRIPTION brusey20 parses a state diagram in TROFF PIC format and creates behavioral VHDL suitable for simulation and syn- thesis by downstream tools. PIC input is read from infile, VHDL output is written to outfile, and error and any debug output is written to standard error. OPTIONS -h Print help information and quit. -dO Turn on the debugging specified by O. (See below.) -da Turn all debugging on. -dp Turn PIC parse debugging on. -df Turn data structure fill debugging on. -de Turn expression parse debugging on. -di Turn I/O find debugging on. -dv Turn VHDL code generation debugging on. -sO Turn on synchronizing specified by O. (See below.) -sr Reset synchronously. Not yet implemented. -so If an output is Moore, make it registered. If Mealy, make it combinational. Not yet implemented. -ve Generate Explicit default state transitions. Not yet implemented. -i=infile Read PIC input from the file named infile. -o=outfile Write VHDL output to the file named outfile. SEE ALSO Thomas Clayton Mayo, Converting State Diagrams into Syn- thesizable VHDL, August, 1995. 26 July 1995 1 BRUSEY20(1) BRUSEY20(1) BUGS The geometric associations in parsing the PIC input are not ideal. For example, the state name must be in the center of the state circle, and transition expressions must be within a fixed distance from the midpoint of the transition. Signals in expressions and assignments may only be logic type, i.e. no vectors, integers, enumerated types, etc. Output FSMs of registered-output Moore and combinational- output Mealy types are not yet supported. The output styles for PICA's VCOMP and VSIM and for Alliance have not been implemented yet. DIAGNOSTICS Many. WARNING brusey20 overwrites outfile without confirmation. AUTHOR Tom Mayo N1MU 26 July 1995 2