8-bit x 8-bit Pipelined Multiplier
Briefly interrupting the Built-in Self Test (BIST)
theme, this month we present a synthesizable model of an
8-bit x 8-bit pipelined multiplier in Verilog.
Although the design is synthesizable as is, a
synthesis tool with a re-timing capability is required in
order to create a pipelined multiplier with the pipeline
registers evenly distributed throughout the design. You
can of course remove the pipeline_stages always block
and use the un_pipelined_output
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module mult_piped_8x8_2sC (a, b, clk, reset, y);
input[7:0] a,b;
input clk,reset;
output[15:0] y;
// Function: always @ posedge clk
// y(t=0) = a(t-8) * b(t-8)
// Simulation: PASSED
// Synthesis: Needs re-timing feature in
// synthesis tool
reg[7:0] aR[8:0];
reg[7:0] bR[8:0];
reg[15:0] yR[8:0];
always @ (posedge clk) // pipeline_stages
aR[7] = aR[6]; // pipeline statements
bR[7] = bR[6];
yR[7] = yR[6];
aR[6] = aR[5];
bR[6] = bR[5];
yR[6] = yR[5];
aR[5] = aR[4];
bR[5] = bR[4];
yR[5] = yR[4];
aR[4] = aR[3];
bR[4] = bR[3];
yR[4] = yR[3];
aR[3] = aR[2];
bR[3] = bR[2];
yR[3] = yR[2];
aR[2] = aR[1];
bR[2] = bR[1];
yR[2] = yR[1];
aR[1] = aR[0];
bR[1] = bR[0];
yR[1] = yR[0];
// multiply result (a*b) appears after +clk
aR[0] = a;
bR[0] = b;
yR[0] = multiply_8x8_2sC (aR[0],bR[0]);
function[15:0] multiply_8x8_2sC;
input[7:0] a,b;
reg[7:0] a_mag,b_mag;
reg[14:0] y_mag;
reg[14:0] y_neg;
case (a[7])
0: a_mag = a[6:0];
1: a_mag = 128 - a[6:0]; // max(a_mag) = 128, thus 8 bits
case (b[7])
0: b_mag = b[6:0];
1: b_mag = 128 - b[6:0];
y_mag = a_mag * b_mag; // max(y_mag) = 16384, thus 15 bits
if ((a[7] ^ b[7]) & (y_mag != 0)) // if (a * b) is -ve AND non-zero
begin // y_mag >=1, <= 16256, thus need only 14 bits
y_neg = 32768 - y_mag[13:0]; // max(y_neg) = 32767, thus need 15 bits
multiply_8x8_2sC = {1'b1,y_neg};
multiply_8x8_2sC = y_mag;
//assign y = multiply_8x8_2sC (a,b); // un_pipelined_output
assign y = yR[7];
You are welcome to use the source code we provide but
you must keep the copyright notice with the code (see the
page for more details).
The VFP Library is not required for simulating this
months Model of the Month as it is a Verilog
Here is a skeleton testbench architecture that can be
used for testing purposes.
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module mult_piped_8x8_2sC_tb;
reg clock, reset; // reset = active HIGH
reg [7:0] a_in, b_in;
wire [15:0] y_out;
// stimulus
// response checking
// DUT
mult_piped_8x8_2sC DUT (a_in, b_in, clock, reset, y_out);
To download the Verilog source code for
this month's
Model of the Month, click here.
Verilog source code for other Models of
the Month
can be downloaded from here.