Computer Aids for VLSI Design
Steven M. Rubin
Copyright © 1994
Chapter 9: Graphics
9.5 Summary
Graphics is a necessary part of any CAD effort.
Although most of the display techniques covered in this chapter are
automatically handled by ever more sophisticated
devices, it is important to be able to fill in when a needed function
is missing.
It is also useful for the designer to understand the basics of graphic
input and output hardware, so that he or she can make proper packaging decisions
when a complete CAD system is being specified.
The next chapter builds on this one by showing how advanced
graphics techniques can make the user interface comfortable and productive.
Why are calligraphic displays a poor choice for VLSI design?
How can block-fill operations speed the drawing of lines?
How can clipping be used to find the union of two polygons?
How can the block-transfer function be used to write patterned areas?
What other color representations exist beside the additive (red, green, blue)
and the subtractive (cyan, magenta, yellow)?
Why is the mouse the most popular graphic-input device?
How can a spline curve be extended so that it passes through its first
and last control points?
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