작성일: 2004.05.16
PALASM4 Ver 1.5 Download...
Index of /_otherplds/palasm/ftp/
Parent Directory
manual.pdf 10-Sep-1997 11:13 1.6M
paldisk1.zip 30-Oct-1996 08:01 647K
paldisk2.zip 30-Oct-1996 08:02 1.1M
paldisk3.zip 30-Oct-1996 08:02 1.0M
paldisk4.zip 30-Oct-1996 08:02 1.0M
paldisk5.zip 30-Oct-1996 08:02 221K
patch1.zip 10-Sep-1997 11:04 107K
patch2.zip 30-Oct-1996 08:02 228K
readme.txt 10-Jul-1997 02:06 5.5K
PALASM4 Ver 1.5 is now available as freeware. ***** Technical Support Note ***** Since the PALASM software is now freeware, AMD is no longer actively providing technical support for this product. PALASM4 Ver 1.5 supports the PALs and the following MACH devices: - MACH110 - MACH120 - MACH130 - MACH215 - MACH210 - MACH220 - MACH230 This version contains an updated FITR.EXE Ver 1.70 which corrects internal errors that occur when generating some MACH215 JEDEC maps. If you already have PALASM4 Ver 1.5 installed, then read the description for the file PATCH2.ZIP which will tell you how to update your existing installation with the Ver 1.70 fitter instead of reinstalling everything. There are 6 ZIP archives and 1 PDF file: PALDISK1.ZIP = Contains ZIP file for PALASM4 Ver 1.5 disk 1 PALDISK2.ZIP = Contains ZIP file for PALASM4 disk2 PALDISK3.ZIP = Contains ZIP file for PALASM4 disk3 PALDISK4.ZIP = Contains ZIP file for PALASM4 disk4 PALDISK5.ZIP = Contains ZIP file for disk5 (PALASM/OrCAD SDT 3.21 interface) PATCH1.ZIP = Fix for disassembling PALASM-generated JEDEC maps. If you have problems with disassembling PALASM-generated JEDEC maps, then replace the JEDMCH.EXE program that was installed with PALASM with the JEDMCH.EXE, JEDMCH.MSG, and JEDMCH.PDF files in PATCH1.ZIP. Put these files in the C:\PALASM\EXE subdirectory. PATCH2.ZIP = Fix for the MACH215. Some MACH215 designs will cause the PALASM4 Ver 1.5 fitter to generate an internal error when generating the JEDEC map. This is corrected in PALASM FITR Ver 1.70 in the file PATCH2.ZIP. This zipped file contains FITR.EXE, FITR.OVL, and FITR.LIB. Put these files in the C:\PALASM\EXE subdirectory. MANUAL.PDF = MACHXL 2.1 documentation in PDF format. Can be used with PALASM4 Ver 1.5 to learn PDS syntax. Use Adobe Acrobat to read. Download each of the 5 PALDISK# ZIP files to your PC and follow the instructions below to create the 5 PALASM master disks. Use PKUNZIP Ver 2.04g or later to unzip any files as described below. Installation Instructions: 1. Create a temporary directory on your PC disk by using the MKDIR command: C:\> MKDIR pal_dir C:\> cd pal_dir C:\PAL_DIR> 2. Create five subdirectories called DISK1, DISK2, DISK3, DISK4, and DISK5. C:\PAL_DIR> MKDIR disk1 C:\PAL_DIR> MKDIR disk2 C:\PAL_DIR> MKDIR disk3 C:\PAL_DIR> MKDIR disk4 C:\PAL_DIR> MKDIR disk5 3. Unzip PALDISK1.ZIP into the DISK1 subdirectory. Unzip the other ZIP files into their corresponding subdirectories. Do not include the PALDISKx.ZIP files in these subdirectories. 4. Get 5 high-density 3.5" disks. Copy all the files in subdirectory DISK1 to one disk, DISK2 to a second disk, and so on. C:\PAL_DIR\DISK1> xcopy *.* a: C:\PAL_DIR\DISK1> cd ..\disk2 C:\PAL_DIR\DISK2> xcopy *.* a: C:\PAL_DIR\DISK2> cd ..\disk3 C:\PAL_DIR\DISK3> xcopy *.* a: C:\PAL_DIR\DISK3> cd ..\disk4 C:\PAL_DIR\DISK4> xcopy *.* a: C:\PAL_DIR\DISK4> cd ..\disk5 C:\PAL_DIR\DISK5> xcopy *.* a: You now have a set of PALASM4 Ver 1.5 master diskettes. To install the software, put disk 1 into your A drive and then type INSTALL. ***** NOTE ABOUT THE TEXT EDITOR ***** You will need to provide your own DOS editor. If you do not provide your own DOS editor and you try to edit a file, you will get the following error message: STATUS: Cannot open file: C:\PALASM\EXE\ED.EXE To configure the software to recoginize your own DOS editor, you can go into the PALASM menuing system under FILE Setup... Working environment Editor program: and type in the path to and the name of your editor executable. ***** Bugs Notices ***** Bug 1 : Under certain conditions, the fitter will incorrectly invert an input register when used in a T-type equation. Ex: If you have the following T-type equation NODE ? in_reg registered PIN ? in_pin PIN ? clkpin PIN ? outsig registered PIN ? load PIN ? read EQUATION in_reg.clkf = clkpin; in_reg := in_pin; outsig.t = load * in_reg + read * in_pin; and IN_REG is an input register, then the fitter will fit the design, but when you disassemble the JEDEC map, you will get the following: NODE ? in_reg registered PIN ? in_pin pair in_reg PIN ? clkpin PIN ? outsig registered PIN ? load PIN ? read EQUATION in_reg.clkf = clkpin; in_reg := in_pin; outsig.t = load * /in_reg + read * in_pin; IN_REG has been incorrectly inverted in the OUTSIG equation. Work-around: Set "Automatic pin/node pairing" to 'N' in the Logic Synthesis options menu, and do any input or output pairing manually. For the example listed above, manual pairing is done in the pin/node declaration section. NODE ? in_reg registered PIN ? in_pin pair in_reg
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