It is all about timing (2015.12.1)
FPGA startups stare down giants and ghosts (2017.3.31)
프로그래머블 스위치 기술 / 주간기술동향 통권 1411호 (2014.5.11)
Simplifying Xilinx and Altera Debug, Anticipate issues and learn techniques that help you deal with debugging your FPGA systems / EE Times - India (2009.11.25)
Insiders' Guide: FPGAs, Tools, and Boards, 2007.08.29판 / © Copyright 2007, (2008.1.22)
Boundary-Scan Tutorial 2007, ASSET InterTech, Inc. (2008.1.22)
Template-based embedded reconfigurable computing by Katarzyna Leijten-Nowak. - Eindhoven : Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 2004 (2015.4.13)
FPGA 프로토타이핑, 소프트웨어가 관건이다, 더그 에이모스(Doug Amos) / Synplicity Europe / 월간 전자부품 2007.12호 (2007.12.21)
Introduction to Programmable Systems on a Chip, by Bob Zeidman / TechOnLine (2006.5.8)
All about FPGAs, by Bob Zeidman / Programmable Logic DesignLine (2006.4.30)
FPGA 속으로 들어간 프로세서, coverstory / ECN Korea (2006.4.17)
FPGA Clock Schemes, EETimes (2005.9.19)
설계의 틀을 바꾸는 FPGA 설계 툴, ECN Korea 2005.09 (2005.9.19)
FPGA에 대한 진실과 거짓, 그리고 프로토타입 (2004.12.17)
Network과 단절시 정확한 MAC Address를 인식하지 못할 때에는 (2004.10.18)
[원고] "Understanding Foundry" - 파운드리 산업의 ABC (2004.9.24)
Intel Hexadecimal Object File Format Specification (2004.9.15)
ASICs, FPGAs vie in competitive high wire act, by Crista Souza / Silicon Strategies, 03/26/2004 (2004.8.8)
EDN's fourth Annual Programmable-logic Directory / EDN, 6/10/2004 - Appendix: FPGA 비교표 / PAL, SPLD, CPLD 비교표 / ASIC,FPGA hybrid 비교표 (2004.8.8)
"Go Reconfigure", N. Tredennick and B. Shimamoto, IEEE Spectrum, 40(12): 36-40, Dec. 2003. (2004.8.8)
VITAL Library란 무엇이고 왜 필요한가...? (2004.7.3)
Does asynchronous logic design really have a future?, By Shekhar Borkar, Intel Fellow and Director of Circuit Research, Microprocessor Research Lab, Intel Corp., Hillsboro, Ore., EE Times, June 06, 2003 (2004.6.7)
An FPGA primer for ASIC designers, By Rafey Mahmud,, Apr 15. 2004 (2004.6.7)
VITAL STATS: Third Annual Programmable-logic Directory , and "EDN's PAL, PLD, and FPGA directory tables" , coverstory / EDN, September 5, 2002 (2004.4.18)
Low-cost programmable logic: How low should you go? , techtrends / EDN, March 16, 2000 (2004.4.18)
Configurable Processor 제품 차별화를 고려한 독자적인 플랫폼 전략 , Feature Story / Monthly Embedded World, April 2004 (2004.4.18)
[] CPU Design HOW-TO (2004.3.17)
[글로벌프리즘] SoC 설계표준화 필요성 (2004.3.12)
Flextronics Design Overview (2004.3.8)
Survey of FPGA reconfigurable Systems: Hardware platforms and Software / Dimitrios Soudris, Democritus University of Thrace (2004.2.23)
RF 회로개념 잡기 - ▶ PLL (Phase Locked Loop) / (2004.2.21)
와이어 지연의 문제점과 해결책 대해부 (Corralled - Get hold of wire delays), coverstory / EDN Asia, January 2004 (2004.2.9)
LVDS의 개요 (2004.1.25)
Basics of FPGA Design , David Maliniak, Electronic Design Automation Editor, A Supplement to Electronic Design/December 4, 2003 (2004.1.10)
FPGA Special with Pullout , TechFeature / RTC Magazine, April 2003 Volume XII Number 4 (2004.1.24)
Configurable Processors , SpecialReport / RTC Magazine, September 2002 Volume XI Number 9 (2004.1.25)
Interfacing LVDS with other differential-I/O types , designfeature / EDN, October 30, 2003 (2004.1.25)
NEBS (Network Equipment Building System)가 무엇인가요? (2004.1.5)
JTAG의 소개 및 원리 - K.E.L.P. (2002.12.27)
SoC 설계와 IP - ETRI/주간기술동향 1112호 (2003.9.11)
고속 직렬 트랜시버 내장 FPGA의 기술동향 - ETRI/주간기술동향 1110호 (2003.8.28)
Introduction to CPLD and FPGA Design By Bob Zeidman - President of The Chalkboard Network (2003.10.4)
IEEE standard test access port and boundary-scan architecture - IEEE Std 1149.1-2001 (2003.6.28)
CPLDs vs. FPGAs: Comparing High-Capacity Programmable Logic (2003.6.30)
Tools help you lose the hardware blues - EDN Access (2003.1.12)
Programmable-logic directory - EDN Access (2001.9.6)
LFSR counters implement binary polynomial generators - EDN Access (2003.1.22)
반도체 IP용 테스트 데이터의 형식과 테스트 용이 설계의 표준 기술 - ETRI/주간기술동향 1012호 (2001.8.31)
ASIC 요소기술 및 신규설계 동향 - ETRI/주간기술동향 936호 (2001.10.2)
ASIC 용어 요약 (2001.8.27)
VITAL이란 무엇인가...? (2001.8.3)
A Tour of PLDs: Programmable Logic Device (PLD) Handout (2001.7.23)
바이패스 콘덴서와 필터콘덴서 (2001.6.28)
ASIC 코어의 검증 위한 대규모 디자인 에뮬레이션 (Electronic Engineering Times - Korea) (2001.6.12)
EDA 플랫폼 벤치마크: 데스크탑 FPGA 설계흐름 (Electronic Engineering Times - Korea) (2001.6.12)
SoPC를 위한 최상의 ASIC 설계 흐름을 찾아라 (2001.6.12)
차세대의 디자인을 위한 효율적인 IP 관리 시스템 (2001.6.12)
반도체 IP 기술 및 시장 동향 - ETRI/주간기술동향 990호 (2001.4.9)
전략은 달라도 목표는 SoC (2001.3.16)
[해설] 바이패스콘덴서는 왜 다는가? (2001.2.18)
ASIC / FPGA 개론 (1999.2.4)
FPGA Gate Counting Methodology (1999.2.9)
System on a Programmable Chip / 대용량 FPGA, 시스템 설계 대체 (2000.5.16)
Architecture of FPGAs and CPLDs: A Tutorial (2000.9.12)
Select your Programmable Logic Device for building your System On Chip (2000.9.16)
PLD업계의 영원한 맞수 알테라 對 자일링스 - 디바이스 경쟁 '무풍지대'는 없다 (2000.12.13)
PLD업계의 새로운 주자, Triscend ARM7 내장한 32bit CSoC 발표 (2000.12.14)