The Std_Logic_Vector type is
predefined in the Std_Logic_1164 package as a standard
one-dimensional array type with each element being of the Std_Logic type.
Std_Logic_Vector is not a part of the VHDL Standard. Instead, it is
defined by IEEE Std 1164
type std_logic_vector is
array (natural range
<>) of std_logic;
Std_Logic_Vector is an unconstrained (unbound) vector of resolved
nine-value logic elements (std_logic
type), which are defined in the Std_Logic_1164 package.
The Std_Logic_1164 package defines overloaded logical operators
("and", "nand", "or", "nor",
"xor", and "not") for operands of the
Std_logic_vector type. In addition, conversion functions from and to
Bit_Vector are supported as well.
Assignment to an object of the Std_Logic_Vector type can be performed
in the same way as in case of arrays, i.e. using single element
assignments, concatenation, aggregates,
slices or any combination
of them. Moreover, because the elements are of resolved type it is
allowed to make multiple assignments to a Std_Logic_Vector object
type. In such a case, the resolution function defined for Std_Logic
is used.
Example 1
Type T_Data is array
(7 downto 0) of std_logic;
signal DataBus, Memory : T_Data;
CPU : process
variable RegA : T_Data;
DataBus <= RegA;
end process CPU;
Mem : process
DataBus <= Memory;
end process Mem;
Std_Logic_Vector is the
best choice for buses, which are driven from different places, like
the above listed data bus. Such a multiple assignment would be
illegal if a Bit_Vector was used.
Important Notes
Std_Logic_Vector should not be confused with the Std_Ulogic_Vector
type. Elements of the latter are of the type Std_Ulogic and are
unresloved version of Std_Logic. This means that it is illegal for
the two values (e.g. '0' and 'Z') to be simultaneously driven into a
signal of the Std_ulogic type.
In order to use the Std_Logic_Vector type, the Std_Logic_1164 package
must be explicitly listed at the beginning of an entity:
library IEEE;
use IEEE.Std_Logic_1164.all;